Governance Documents

Corporate Governance

Trustmark's governance structure enables the Board to address key issues effectively and efficiently such as business growth, human capital, enterprise risk management, and technology, among others. This is accomplished through six standing Board committees - Audit, Enterprise Risk, Executive, Finance, Human Resources, and Nominating & Governance - and through the effective use of the Directors' combined wisdom, diverse experience and business knowledge.

Board Mission

The purpose of the Board is to foster Trustmark's long-term success consistent with its fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders. As part of this purpose, Trustmark's Board is responsible for:

  • Providing strategic guidance and oversight,
  • Acting as a resource on strategic issues and in matters of planning and policymaking,
  • Ensuring that management's operations contribute to Trustmark's financial soundness,
  • Promoting social responsibility and ethical business conduct,
  • Providing insight and guidance on complex business issues and problems in the banking and financial services industries,
  • Ensuring that an effective system is in place to facilitate selection, succession planning, and compensation of the Chief Executive Officer,
  • Ensuring Trustmark's compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

The Board also adopted a formal mission statement for the Board and its committees to address the governance guidelines and responsibilities of each. Likewise, the Board has adopted codes of conduct for Directors, senior financial officers, and associates. These materials are available by links within this website, or may be obtained by written request addressed to the Secretary of the Board, Trustmark Corporation, Post Office Box 291, Jackson, MS 39205-0291.

Corporate Governance

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